Water Sources

Warning: Other than the Colorado River and its major tributaries, Grand Canyon water sources are not reliable. Always hike from a known water source, and if you are hiking to an unknown water source carry plenty of water to return to your last known source. If the new water source is wet, have soup and enjoy a wet camp. If the water source is dry, hike back to where you know there is water.

The following list of visited and dated seeps, springs, and other intermittent water sources is compiled from visits by our members. It is not meant as a guarantee. You may or may not find water at these locations. This list is for reference only.

Click the image below to open the detailed spreadsheet in a new window. To search for a specific location, use the find command: CTRL f.

This table is a compilation of information obtained from various sources, including but not limited to:

  • Previous GCHBA website and forum postings
  • Hiking the Grand Canyon, a Sierra Club Totebook by John Annerino
  • National Park Service Grand Canyon Trail Descriptions (Various)
  • Harvey Butchart Notes compiled in September of 1967
  • The personal experience of GCHBA members

And…If you have information to add to this database, please e-mail us at [email protected] and we will add your water source to the list. Thanks!

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The Grand Canyon Hikers & Backpackers Association is a 501c3 non-profit organization.

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